Three to the Printer
/If you've been reading this blog, you will probably have a skewed view of me. I've been intensely busy with work for the last 2 months (since I started the blog, in fact). I've been working 6-7 days a week, 9-12 hours a day. All work and no play. I'm really not like that. Really.
It's not been good for me, and especially not for my friends. I've not been that much fun to be around. Both online, and offline. I've tried to keep my finger in things but I've failed. But all of that overworking is coming to an end today. I just uploaded the last of the 3 books that I've been working on to the printers. It's over. Oh, there are more books on the docket, but they aren't anywhere as crazy as these three.
I'm now kinda in shock. I'm fully expecting the mother of all colds. Having an heightened adrenaline level for so long can only mean an immune system crash is not far behind. I'm stocking up on vitamin C, just in case.
I have a completely free weekend ahead of me, and I'm not sure what to do with it. I'm thinking a nice long walk might be in order.
Regardless, a celebration of some sort will follow. And at the very least… we will have normality. I repeat we will have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem.