
I've been having a rough time lately… I think I'm in the middle of "maleopause". So doing what I normally do in these situations… I go to Google.

In urban dictionaries' definition I can tick off 11 of the 13 symptoms. I normally would not rely on Urban Dictionary, unless I need to figure out what the kids are talking about (Oh that's what UNF means), so let's look this up further and see what it's really called.


So checking the symptoms on a more reliable source here… Of the 8 symptoms listed I have 7. That can't be good.

I guess what this means is that I'll be going to the doctor's (I'm due for my annual physical soon) and I'll be getting a bucketful of bloodwork. And then my doctor and I will sit down for a chat. I love chats with my doctor. It's not that I have a problem talking about these things, clearly not: I'm telling you, it's just that when I talk to my doctor his answer is 1 of 2 things: take this pill OR there is nothing wrong with you. I dislike when he tells me either.

In this case, however, I'm hoping for number 1. Give me a pill and make everything better. If not that then I hope that my doctor goes all radical and tells me to eat more broccoli or whatever. At this point I'll do whatever it takes. Honestly. This fatigue is getting my down. Literally, figuratively, and many other 'lys, yet to be named.

So, yup I think I'm in andropause. And I can only conclude one thing… I'm middle aged… On the other hand… if 45 is middle aged, does that mean I'm gonna live to 90? OH gawd, I need to go to the gym.

Worth It

So it still hasn't settled in that I no longer have a mortgage. Probably because I've been so busy at work, I just haven't paid attention. But today I received my "discharge papers." Basically it's from the bank and it says you are done, and your property is officially yours.

I am a home owner. Well a condo owner… but still… it is mine.


So my previous post was entitled Satisfaction Delayed. I knew that I had saved a lot of money by doing things the way I did. I had to. I knew that by not buying things at the start of my mortgage and putting as much money as I could toward my mortgage I would save a lot of money. But I have never had an understanding of how much. And being good at teh mathz, I decided to figure it out. I say good at math, but honestly, addition and subtraction is not that hard.

So at the start of my mortgage, if I had gone to the full term it would have cost me about $96,000 in interest. I spent a grand total of about $34,000 in interest… therefore I saved myself about $62,000 in interest. 

Shut the front door.

Yup that $2 belt seems like it was a good idea after all.

Satisfaction Delayed

I have had (mostly) the same furniture for over 15 years.

I have had the same TV for 12 years.

I haven't spent more than $50 for a pair of pants or $30 for a shirt in the last decade.

I buy my socks by the bag and wear them until there are holes.

My last belt cost me $2. I'm still wearing it.

I've had the same towels, which are now quite frayed, for over 15 years.

The sheets on my bed cost me less than $50 for the set.

The comforter on my bed is over 15 years old. It was a gift.

And on and on and on…

Why do I tell you all of this? Today… today I paid off my mortgage! Next month? Shopping!