
I've always maintained that I do not have an addictive personality. That I can take or leave most everything in life. And. Yet. While cleaning out and organizing my cabinet of Who. Something occurred to me. First: That I have a complete cabinet of Who. And second: I'm missing a few.

But. It's not an addiction. I can give it up at any time. I can stop when I want to stop. I don't need it. I can watch just one. Really I can. Oh. Come on. Just one more. Let me watch just one more

Must have all the Doctor Who's. Must. Watch. Them. All


Today is my birthday.

Am I having dinner with friends? Nope. Had dinner with them last night. And and very loverly breakfast with them this morning.

Party later? Nope not a big fan of parties. Either given to me or that I've been invited to. Never been a fan. As for birthday parties, I only remember two that I've had. One when I was about 10—I didn't know anyone there, my sister invited them all. And one when I was 30 and everyone there was a friend of my then partner, none of which spoke to me after the breakup.

Am I going out for drinks. Nope. Haven't been to a bar since I (mostly) gave up drinking. I drink way too much when I go to a bar and it's best to avoid temptation.

So what am I doing this birthday eve? I rode my bike to a secluded park. Now… I'm sitting on a rocky beach. Writing this blog. Drinking a thermos of coffee. Eating a rather large traditional Jewish bagel. Reading Twitter. Having a smoke. Watching the sky get darker. But mostly listening to the waves crash against the shore.


I love a lot of things on this crazy world. But coffee on a beach at sunset? Nothing finer.


Satisfaction Delayed

I have had (mostly) the same furniture for over 15 years.

I have had the same TV for 12 years.

I haven't spent more than $50 for a pair of pants or $30 for a shirt in the last decade.

I buy my socks by the bag and wear them until there are holes.

My last belt cost me $2. I'm still wearing it.

I've had the same towels, which are now quite frayed, for over 15 years.

The sheets on my bed cost me less than $50 for the set.

The comforter on my bed is over 15 years old. It was a gift.

And on and on and on…

Why do I tell you all of this? Today… today I paid off my mortgage! Next month? Shopping!